He has a feeling for poetry, and he expresses the atmosphere of each and every poet. His work shows a youthful spontaneity together with will and thought. It is bold, without being muddled. Kasassoglou knows what he wants. He does not copy the style of others.
He tries to perfect his individuality in the sense that he creates only out of himself. He believes in a nationalism in music.
For, as he himself says: ‘Each serious intellectual has no choice but to place himself as part of his nation and, as a result, in the whole of universal life. The more essential and spontaneous his spiritual statement is, together with the knowledge of his duty towards his country, the more the intellectual will be – even unconsciously – the bearer of the culture of his nation, wherever he may be ... And therefore I can only feel a work to be universal if it has a home. ...’ ”
He composed in 1946 the „Olympic Hymn” on verses by Kostis Palamas.
In 1952 the antique comedy „The Clouds” by Aristophanes was performed at the „Comédie Française” in Paris under the direction of Sokratis Karantinos and with incidental music by Georgios Kasassoglou.
One of the most significant moments in his artistic career was his encounter and his acquaintance with Igor Stravinsky. Stravinsky started his enthusiastic appraisal of the music of „The Clouds”, that he had heard at the „Comédie Française”, with the sentence: „I hear Greece in your music and I feel Greece in your handshake”.